I’m Bruce Wayne.
Life has been teaching me some things. Painful things. Humble things. Embarrassing things. But also beautiful things. Loving things. Fun things. Insightful things. All the things.
I find I have more I want to say out loud these days. I say a lot out loud, but this is the not so perfectly curated and filtered stuff. While I want to say them out loud, I find I also want a sliver of anonymity. I want a separation between church a state. Between my public personal life and my private inner life. Which I’m choosing to make just a little less private, but still behind a thin veil. I want to be the elephant in the room that everyone observes and (hopefully) learns from, but never identifies out loud. Knowing glances are fine. Pointed fingers and public declarations of “hey, I know this is you…” are not as fine. Let’s all keep the same secret. Publicly I’m Wonder Woman. Privately I’m Diana Prince. And never the two shall be connected. Or maybe Batman is an easier reference for you? There’s a reason you never see me and Batman in the same place at the same time….is that the right joke? I think so. Let’s all smile, wink, nod, and carry on. I know you know, that I know you know, but let’s keep it our little secret.
With that understanding, I’m glad you’re here. Pull up a chair. Don’t forget your box of tissue. You might need it. I certainly do. I’m crying right now actually. It’s always just beneath the surface. I’m like The Hulk that way. He is *always* angry. He just decides when to let it out. My tears are *always* at the ready. I just decide when to let them fall. Most of the time. Sometimes they have a mind of their own. I’ve stopped apologizing for them. I’ve stopped apologizing for a lot of things. We will get into that later though…. I will however apologize for all the comic references. That’s not really my thing.
In the meantime, I hope you identify with something here. And if not, I hope it makes you think of someone who might, and that you share it with them. Not for me, but for them. We all deserve to know we aren’t alone.
One more thing… even if you think you know my name, forget it when you’re here. I don’t know you. You don’t know me. We are all new here.
Nice to meet you.